Biosecurity of the nursery

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Protection of our facilities to deal with transmitting vectors

From VIVEROS ALCANAR SAT, we have been committed for a few years now to the idea that prevention is an effective weapon and that it depends on us, so investments are constantly being made in this regard, to ensure that our production is fully developed from the moment of sowing until the expedition of the certified plant, under the conditions of maximum biosecurity, always guaranteeing to our customers the quality of the plants.

It is necessary and we believe almost inevitable, to be prepared for the countless challenges that agriculture is bringing us day after day with the spread of devastating pests and diseases and for the moment little known in our growing areas such as Xylella fastidious, Huanglongbing ……)

It is for all this that we are carrying out several measures, coordinated and inspected by the Generalitat Valenciana and the Generalitat de Catalunya, to be able to guarantee greater control and prevention.

Security measures

The control measures that we are carrying out in the nursery are:
  • All our plants are under a cover resistant to meteorological factors (stone, wind …).

  • The cover is either plastic or net with a minimum density that prevents the entry of harmful vectors.

  • The facilities have double door at the entrance. Both in the personnel and in the machinery entrances.

  • Windows and vents, if they are open, they also have protective mesh.

  • Continuous inspections are carried out to observe possible vectors of diseases and pests.

  • Placement of chromatic sticky traps at greenhouse entrances.

  • The structures are maintained continuously.

  • Access to the facilities is only allowed for authorized personnel and after the corresponding disinfection of hands and footwear.

Seedling certification

The programme for certifying citrus seedlings features a set of legal regulations, the periodical holding of diagnostic tests for harmful organisms and diseases along with a series of inspections during the various phases of propagation in nurseries, ensuring plants’ clonal origins and guaranteeing the authenticity of varieties and overall health.

Those to benefit from the certification programme are mainly farmers and as a consequence, the citriculture of country. The official body in each autonomous community is responsible for the control and certification of seeds and seedlings in Catalonia.